Primary Update – Term 1 Week 2

It has been a wonderful start to the 2025 school year, with the smiling faces of students, staff and parents once again visible across the Primary campuses. Our students are settling nicely into their new classrooms, campuses and routines. At the start of the year, it can often be a time of adjustment for many students as they learn new teachers, peers and structures. If you have any concerns during this time, I encourage you to reach out to your child’s classroom teacher to discuss them.


As mentioned at the Primary Parent Information evening, this year will continue our efforts to refine and streamline communication with Primary parents.

The newsletter will be used to post as much information as possible for the upcoming fortnight, so I encourage all families to read the newsletter carefully each fortnight and refer to the information as required throughout the term. Past newsletters can always be found on the College website.

Email and the official Newman College App will be utilised to communicate with parents in between newsletters.

SeeSaw will now be kept as a place to view your children’s class work, as well as a place for the classroom teacher (and specialist teachers when required) to post directly to individual class/cohort parent groups.

Newman App

The Newman College app should now be available once more in the Apple store after some issues with the Apple App Store in the last few weeks. It would be beneficial if parents could ensure they have the Newman App, as this will be utilised more in 2025 as one of the main modes of communication.

To download the app in the App Store (Apple Devices) or Google Play (Android Devices) simply type in Newman College.

Alternatively, the direct links are here:

Apple Store

Google Play

It is important to select “Primary” under subscriptions. This can be found by clicking on “More” and going to “Settings”.

Parent Information Evening

A huge thank you to all of the Primary parents who were able to come along to the Primary Parent Information Evening held last Thursday. It was a wonderful event and the Primary Leadership Team heard so much positive feedback from parents on the night. I hope the night was very informative and that those who attended the optional sessions in the second half of the evening found them meaningful. As always, we are interested in any parent feedback from the evening, so if you have any feedback to share on the classroom sessions, optional sessions or the event itself, I ask you to complete this form.

A copy of the Optional Co-Curricular session PowerPoint can be found here and the Social Emotional Learning Presentation can be found here for those interested.

Primary Family Picnic

I look forward to seeing as many families as possible at the upcoming Primary Family Picnic. Please click here for details.

Newman Norms / Medals of Marcellin

Our Medals of Marcellin are back in 2025! Each fortnight at each Primary campus, one person will be drawn out of the raffle and receive a small prize for living out our Newman Norms. Congratulations to Will (Marian Campus) who was the Week 1 winner of our raffle! Each raffle ticket received is swapped for a token and the Guild with the highest number of tokens at the end of the term wins a prize for the whole Guild!

Primary Swimming Carnival (Y3-6)

Please see below for communication from Mrs Richards regarding the upcoming 2025 Swimming Carnival. We ask that all students remain at the event until the end of the school day (3:00pm) to support their peers and their Guilds. Should you need to leave early for an appointment, please email to advise so we have notice. If students do not remain until the end of the Carnival it becomes very difficult with the number of names needing to be called over the PA System whilst also trying to run the event effectively. For those parents with children at Marian, rest assured they will be supervised by staff until you arrive after the Carnival, so there is no need to leave the Carnival early.

Swimming Carnival Information

Swimming Carnival Program


Last year saw the successful introduction of the URSTRONG Friendship Curriculum across the Primary. It has been wonderful to hear so many families using the same language and discussing the same concepts at home. A reminder, parents continue to have access to a FREE URSTRONG parent membership. We hope that as a URSTRONG Family, you will reinforce the important messages of empowerment, self-compassion, & kindness at home.

Student Illness

A reminder that if students are sick they should not attend school. We ask for parent cooperation with this to ensure sickness does not spread to other students and our teaching staff. Already this year we have seen a significant number of students and staff away from school with illness. If students attend school with symptoms of being sick, the front office will contact parents to come and collect them. If students have vomited, they should remain at home for 24 hours after the last time they vomited. Thank you for your understanding and support to ensure the wellbeing of our students and staff, and the continuity of learning programs.

Homework Club

Lavalla Homework Club resumes this term for students in Years 3-6.

  • Commences: Week 4 – Tuesday 25 February
  • When: Tuesday afternoons (Term 1 Weeks 4-9)
  • Where: Lower Level Years 3-6 Building
  • Time: 3:00-4:30pm (please note pickup is strictly at 4:30pm)

Homework Club is an opportunity for your child to spend time in the afternoon completing their homework, collaborating with peers on tasks/projects, working independently on unfinished work, as well as receiving additional support from teachers who are supervising.

Students are provided time to have their own afternoon snack at 3:05pm, plus a short play, before commencing Homework Club at around 3:30pm.

If your child will be attending Homework Club, you are asked to complete this form so we are aware of the expected numbers and can ensure appropriate supervision.

Sacramental Program 2025

Students in Years 3, 4 and 6 in 2025 will be preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. The learning component of the Sacrament will be completed at school and parents are required to contact their local parish to enrol their child if they wish them to receive the Sacrament. Further information can be found within the links below, and each Parish will have slightly different requirements with regards to their Sacramental Program.

Enrolments for all parishes are open and parents are encouraged to enrol their children as soon as possible, as many of the parishes will be finalising their enrolments next week.

Sacramental Program – Floreat Wembley Catholic Parish

Sacramental Program – Immaculate Heart of Mary Scarborough

Sacramental Schedule – Doubleview Parish

Sacramental Program – St Joseph’s Subiaco

Sacramental Program – Holy Spirit City Beach

If you have any questions regarding the Sacramental Program please contact Jane Short, Primary Religious Education Coordinator,

Mrs Jane Short

Leader of Wellbeing & Religious Education Coordinator Primary

Numeracy and Literacy Support Programs

In primary school, we use a three-tiered approach to support Literacy and Numeracy development.

In level 1 the classroom teacher screens and tests students to determine their point of need. They then differentiate the activities in the classroom to accommodate the needs of each student. This may look like different readings, spelling lists or different numbers for a sum.

Level 2 involves withdrawing a small group for support. The classroom screens are used to identify any students experiencing difficulties. Further screens are then completed to identify what small group program would suit them.

For Literacy, we use MacqLit (Years 3-6) and MiniLit Sage (Years 1-2) to focus on phonics support. We also offer Book Club (Years 3-6) to focus on developing comprehension skills and strategies. Parents will receive a letter explaining that their child is invited to participate in these programs. Some students may be withdrawn to focus on fluency with our Fluency Reading program. This program has a more fluid approach and will change depending on student performance week to week.

In Numeracy we also offer tier 2 withdrawn small group support. In Years 1-2 the focus is on strengthening foundational skills. Parent will receive a letter if their child is invited to this program. Years 3-6 students focus on classroom content delivered at a differentiated pace. This program is more flexible and students are invited to come to sessions depending on the topic and their confidence in learning. This approach helps students recognise the need for support and accessing what is available for them.

Tier 3 students have individualised learning programs catering to their specific needs in Literacy and Numeracy. Parents will be informed of any plans for Tier 3 interventions.

All these programs of support are determined by students’ performance in screening assessments and class work. In Term 1 all support programs will begin in week 3.

Library Volunteers

We have wonderful libraries on both our Primary campuses and we encourage students to discover their love of reading by coming to browse and choose books from our large collection. Help is needed with the shelving or covering of books on both campuses and we are seeking parent and or grandparent volunteers to help.   

If you would like to offer your assistance, please complete this Library Volunteer form by Monday 17 February. A roster will then be drawn up and details will be emailed to you.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Primary Library Staff

Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize

Calling all budding scientists and filmmakers! The Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize is for you!

This competition encourages students to communicate scientific concepts through short films. It aims to support budding young scientists across Australia who will become future leaders in research, discovery, and communication.

What you have to do:

  • Create a 2-minute film about a scientific concept, discovery, invention, or hypothesis based on the 2025 theme ‘above and below’.

Important Information:

  • The competition is open to primary and secondary school students studying in Australia.
  • Entries can be submitted by individuals or teams of up to six students.
  • Students must plan, organise and film their submission with minimal help from adults.

Important dates for the 2025 competition:

  • Entries open: February 11, 2025
  • Entries due: April 14, 2025, 7pm AEST
  • Winners announced: September 3, 2025

Primary school students who would like to create a submission as an individual or as a team, please come to the library at recess on Wednesday 19th of February to meet with Mrs Cole-Carter (Shine Teacher) to find out more.

Mrs Clare Cole-Carter

Primary SHINE & 3-6 Extension Teacher

Year 6 Camp

Our Year 6 classes head off to Forrest Edge, Waroona on Monday 24 – Wednesday 26 February for their annual camp. The experience promises to be a wonderful opportunity for our students to develop and strengthen their relationships as a cohort, and to challenge themselves in a range of ways that push them outside of their comfort zone. We wish them a fantastic experience and look forward to hearing all about it when they return!

Primary Build

Work continues at a steady pace on the Primary Build Program. Recently we have seen some more milestones reached. The Bike Rack area is completed and opened to students at the start of this week, and the Undercover Courts Area will be opened in the coming days, with re-surfacing and line marking complete.

Wishing you a relaxing weekend.

Ryan von Bergheim