Newman Parents: Respectful Relationships – Love at Home
Dr Justin Coulson is one of Australia’s most respected relationships speakers, authors, and researchers. He is one of very few people in Australia with a PhD in Positive Psychology – and the ONLY person in the country (and almost the world) whose PhD includes a careful look at the intersection of Positive Psychology and relationships, particularly in family life. Dr Coulson will be presenting the following session:
Respectful Relationships – Love at Home
How to get along with your kids and help them get along with you (and their siblings).
We all saw we get along just fine at home… but there are those uncomfortable niggles. There’s the eye-rolling, the disrespect, the lack of motivation to help out, and the sibling warfare. If we’re honest, most adults have been known to shout a bit too, and let’s face it, we don’t always listen that well to our kids.
Conflict and friction at home cause more trouble than we need, and interfere with everyone’s wellbeing. Wouldn’t it be great if there were some simple, practical things we could do to help everyone get along better – starting right now?
In this session, you’ll learn the best ‘relationship rules’ for a happier family so home life really does feel loving… most of the time followed by a Question and Answer session.