Newman News Term 4 Week 4 2020: From the Vice Principal
Our Vision for Learning, Shine through Discovery seeks to foster innovation and creativity, whilst developing skills of critical and creative thinking. We commit to providing a safe learning environment where students are encouraged to take risks and think beyond the classroom. Exploring student ideas and creativity have been showcased most recently at our Arts Festival and Exhibition in the Marist Auditorium. Congratulations to all students and staff who have worked so tirelessly to resolve their visual art, perform in dance or music and to those who showcased their pieces from technology and enterprise. I also acknowledge the leadership of Mrs Maree Grayden, Leader of Learning Arts, for her passion and energy in bringing the Arts Festival to the College Community in 2020. The list of award winners and photos from the event can be found here.
Learning Hub
The new Learning Hub is on track with the official opening scheduled for the beginning of the 2021 school year. We very much look forward to using the flexible learning spaces, break out areas, presentation zones and library resources.
S Block
The Science Block will also be renovated over the next couple of months. Access to S block will be closed at the commencement of Week 5 (next week). Students with timetabled classes in S Block will have amended timetables to reflect their new classroom locations. Students currently using lockers in S block will need to ensure they are empty by the end of this week.
Siena Learning Centre (Library)
The Library will be used as classrooms while the S block renovations are in progress. Homework Club will continue in this space. Borrowing of books however, is no longer available. Students in Years 11 and 12 studying for exams at the College will use A11 as their study room. Students who use the Library due to a curriculum variation plan can still do so.
From 2021, the current Library will be our newly designed Staff Study area. The Staff Study is designed in a way that our Vision for Learning is promoted, lived and active in contemporary learning spaces. Other spaces across the College will also benefit from improvements over the next few months to include new furniture etc.
Students are reminded to check the daily notices for all room changes and information relating to the safest and best way to move around the College.
2021 Term Dates
Please note the Term Dates for 2021
Term 1
- Staff commence: Wednesday 27 January
- Students commence: K-6, 7 & 12 and New Students: Monday 1 February
- Students commence: Years 8-11: Tuesday 2 February
- Term concludes for staff and students: Thursday 1 April
Term 2
- Staff commence: Monday 19 April
- Students commence: Tuesday 20 April
- Term concludes for staff and students: Friday 2 July
Term 3
- Staff commence: Monday 19 July
- Students commence: Wednesday 21 July
- Term concludes for staff and students: Friday 24 September
Term 4
- Staff commence: Monday 11 October
- Students commence: Tuesday 12 October
- Term concludes for students: Years 10-12 TBC (dependent on examination timetables)
- Term concludes for students: K – Year 9, Thursday 9 December
- Term concludes for staff: Wednesday 15 December
2021 Pupil Free Days
Term 1
- Monday 1 March – Labour Day – Public Holiday
- Friday 2 April – Good Friday – Public Holiday
Term 2
- Monday 19 April – Pupil Free- Staff Professional Learning
- Monday 26 April – Anzac Day – Public Holiday
- Monday 7 June – WA Day- Public Holiday
Term 3
- Monday 19 July – Pupil Free – Staff Faith Formation Day
- Tuesday 20 July – Pupil Free – K-12 Parent/Teacher Interviews
- Friday 13 August – Pupil Free – Staff Professional Learning
- Monday 16 August – Pupil Free – CEWA Faith Day (College Closed)
Term 4
- Monday 11 October – Pupil Free – Staff Professional Learning
Booklists and BYODD (Bring Your Own Dedicated Device) Info
The College has partnered with Winthrop Australia to provide a comprehensive educational bundle for designated devices for students – Year 3-6 (iPad) and Years 7-12 (Surface Pro).
Click here for Y7-12 details and here for Y3-6 details. Any queries can be directed to Mr Tom Brajdic, Leader of ICT
OfficeMax will provide resources for the learning and teaching program across the College in 2021. Details of booklists will be shared with families in the weeks ahead. Secondary student booklists will include the pre-purchased levy that covers all eBooks and eLearning subscriptions.
Covid-19 Update – Relaxation To Phase 4
Assemblies and College community events: Whole school and campus assemblies are limited to ensure student numbers do not exceed the 2m2 rule. Adult visitors and staff should maintain physical distancing where possible.
The College will continue to enforce the 2m2 rule per adult for indoor spaces. All official visitors as per College guidelines are required to sign in.
Student attendance at school is compulsory, except for those who are recognised as medically vulnerable or who have medically vulnerable family members. If you are concerned about your own family situation, please contact Lisa Fogliani, Vice Principal, for additional clarity and advice.
The Government has stressed the importance of Western Australians to continue to keep up physical distancing where possible and to maintain good personal hygiene to better protect ourselves and the general health of the community.
In addition, students will be continually and explicitly taught the importance of handwashing, physical distancing and observing personal hygiene to a high standard (as developmentally appropriate).
If Students are Unwell
We ask that students who are presenting with a fever or flu like symptoms stay at home until their symptoms are clear. It is the responsibility of all families to ensure they support the wider College community.
Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum
The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) aims to help children and students, preschool to senior secondary, learn to recognise abuse and develop ways of protecting themselves from abuse and, in wider terms, covers rights, relationships, responsibilities and ethical behaviour. This curriculum is delivered throughout the year and is prepared and planned with the social, emotional and development needs of our children and young people, from Kindy to Year 12.
Our Commitment To Child Safety
All members of the College community share responsibility for and actively promote an environment that prioritises the best interests of children and young people.
“What might this look like at Newman College?”
- Teachers and staff recognise a child and young adult’s right to a safe, engaging, and supportive environment.
- Child safety is a responsibility shared by everyone at the College.
- Standardised, quality training is provided to understand the indicators of child maltreatment, e.g. Child Protection Policy and Mandatory Reporting training.
- Child safe policies and practices are in place to ensure that unsafe behaviour is recognised and reported.
- There is a culture where children and young adults can raise concerns without worry.
- Parents are treated as partners in child safety and have access to information and support on all aspects of child safety.
- Staff actively seek to identify and eliminate racism and discrimination.
- Staff feel confident to identify and present concerns about child safety activities and practices.
- Teachers and staff are alert and aware about how others treat children and young people.
Code Of Conduct
A reminder to all families that the Code of Conduct can be accessed via the College website. The Code is mandated by Catholic Education Western Australia and the application of the code extends to all staff, students, parents, guardians, caregivers, and volunteers.
The Code seeks to value the dignity of every person, foster positive relationships, ensuring confidentiality and accountability and supports professional boundaries. Events held during school hours AND outside of school hours that are associated with the College are also supported by the Code of Conduct. Postings on social media platforms that identify the College or College events are also bound by the Code of Conduct.
Any perceived breaches of the Code can be discussed with any member of the Senior Leadership Team. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of how we strive to partner positively with one another.