Newman News Term 4 Week 2: From the Deputy Principal Primary

St John Henry Newman Buddy Day 

The St John Henry Newman Buddy Day began with a wonderful whole school mass, in celebration of this special Feast Day. Students then worked with their Buddies on a STEM activity, centred around the 2023 Science Week theme of ‘Glass’. Students learnt about the process of how glass is made, and the history and origins of stained-glass windows. Following this, they designed and created a stained-glass window design that represented the Marist theme ‘Known and Loved: dignity for all’. 

Little Telethon Star Carnival 

The College held a very successful Carnival, as part of last week’s Buddy Day celebrations. Newman College Year 3 student, Emily Siew has been selected as one of this year’s Little Telethon Stars. Emily was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia at just 3 years of age, and bravely endured years of intensive chemotherapy at the children’s hospital. Emily also has bilateral hearing loss. 

A massive thanks is extended to our families for their support of this fundraising initiative. You may like to watch Emily on Telethon this weekend. Newman College Year 3 students Samantha Glyde, Christopher Kacperek and Lucius Van Zyl, along with our 2023 College Captains, will present a cheque to Telethon on behalf of Newman College. This cheque presentation will be on Sunday afternoon. To donate to the school’s telethon page, click here

Indigenous Literacy Foundation Book Swap 

The Marian Book Swap will take place on Thursday, 10th November.

The Lavalla Book Swap will take place on Friday, 11th November.

We hold a Book Swap each year to raise funds which the Indigenous Literacy Foundation use to buy books for disadvantaged indigenous children in remote indigenous communities. 

 Donations of good quality chapters or picture books can be dropped off at the Campus libraries or to reception.  There will be boxes provided for the readers to be placed in.

On the day of the Book Swap, the students will bring to school one dollar and can choose a book to take home from those that have been donated. Students are welcome to bring additional money if they would like to purchase several books.

Class Allocations 2023 

In Term 4, teachers will begin looking at class groupings for 2023. Many factors are considered when selecting class placements for students and each child’s best interests are the main priority when these decisions are made. Class placements are made in consultation with all year level teachers and significant time and consideration is given to this task. Students will be asked by their Classroom Teacher to nominate five friends, of which at least one will be placed in their 2023 class.  

Class placements are made with due consideration of gender, pastoral needs, social and emotional needs, special learning needs, and relationships.  Every effort is made to place children where they will have the greatest opportunity to succeed.  

If your child has specific issues which may need consideration, then you are asked to arrange a meeting to discuss this issue with their classroom teacher early this term or contact me via email at . Parents should be aware that requesting a certain teacher is not a consideration in the class allocation process.  

Once class allocations have been finalised by the leadership team, they cannot be changed. Class lists will be published to families at the conclusion of our Move-up Day. Further information will follow in the coming weeks regarding the particulars of Move-up Day. I thank you in advance for your understanding and support. 

Lavalla Assembly 

This morning, the 5 Red class put on a very lively and entertaining assembly titled ‘5 Red’s got Talent’. Hosted by Ella and Gatano, students were treated to a showcase of 5 Red students ‘let their light shine’ with all of their amazing gifts and talents. We had everything from singing, dancing, drawing, and footy! Well done to Miss Heaver and to the 5 Red students for putting on such an excellent show. We also recognised a number of merit award winners today, including those students who took part in our ‘Write a book in a day’ challenge, and the Ethics Olympiad. It was great to see so many students have so much to celebrate this early in the term! 

Grandparents Day 

If you are able to assist by bringing a plate to share with Grandparents on the Marian Campus Grandparent day event, that would be greatly appreciated. Please click on the following link and complete the form to indicate your assistance and what you will be bringing. 
Please bring your plate of food between 8.20am – 8.45am to the hall where Parents Helpers will assist you. 

Scitech Challenge Da

Scitech Challenge Days provide students with a fantastic opportunity to represent their school in a friendly competition with like-minded peers. In this year’s competition students used their interest of science, technology, engineering, and maths to solve space related challenges.  
This years ‘Space Race’ involved teams of Year 6 students taking part in multiple challenges throughout the day. 

Student Wellbeing – goal setting  

Thank you to everyone for the very warm welcome as I transition into my new role this term as Leader of Wellbeing. It has been wonderful to see an abundance of smiling faces (new and old!) at both campuses and getting to chat to the many students and families over the last two weeks. 

On Monday, I had the pleasure of watching 3 Green host our weekly Prayer Assembly at Lavalla Campus. The focus of this assembly was to remind ourselves to give our best effort in everything we do, so we can strive to achieve to the best of our ability… or put perfectly by one of our students, ‘so we can go ahead and smash goals’! 

Goal setting is critical for developing perseverance and building confidence in children to achieve what they want in life.  It teaches them to take responsibility for their own behaviours and learning and forms a powerful lifelong habit. 

How do we help children to set goals? A big part of it is teaching children to reflect on things they do well and things they need to improve on. Having daily conversations and regularly checking in with your child increases their ability to reflect on their day and perhaps what they can do better tomorrow. Celebrate the achievements – no matter how big or small they appear.  

I wish all students and families a fantastic start to Term 4 and hope that many a goal will be ‘smashed’ as we head towards the end of another school year!  

(Mrs Battersby – Leader of Wellbeing PK-6)