Newman News Term 3 Week 4: From the Vice Principal
Hands on learning was exemplified over the last fortnight, as our students participated in our STEM Festival, Science Week and Humanities Week activities. These are but a few examples of how our staff and students worked collaboratively to challenge one another. The STEM festival focused on sustainability, creativity and challenge. I extend my thanks to the students from Marcellin Campus who supported the learning experience for the Primary students. It is amazing to see what can be achieved by ‘thinking outside the box!’
Need to Know
Pupil Free Days
- All staff will be engaging in professional learning on Friday 16 August. This day is designed to support wellbeing strategies for our Staff. Staff wellbeing is named in our Strategic Plan as we recognise, that in order to support the wellbeing and learning of young people, teachers require tools and strategies needed to manage their own wellbeing.
- Monday 19 August is a pupil free day that recognises the contribution that teachers in Catholic Education make to the holistic development of young people. It is hoped that all members of our community return for the second half of Term 3 refreshed and rested.
New Uniform Options
After a period of consultation with the NPCC, staff and student groups, the following options will be available to students in 2020.
- Skorts with a blouse will be available to students who would prefer this over the summer dress (Primary) and skirt (Secondary). Skorts can be worn all year.
- Womens trousers for students in Years 7-12, are available for order and can also be worn all year.
- The boys in Primary are able to wear shorts during summer and winter.
These items will be available via the online store or from the uniform shop.
Thank you to Diana Potter, Uniform Shop Manager for her support and expertise as we seek to cater to the needs of all students and respond to feedback from our parent community.
Newman Parents – Monday 16 September
Newman Parents is honoured to host Paul Dillon at Newman College. Paul is the Director and founder of DARTA and he is passionate about ensuring that the community has access to accurate and up-to-date alcohol and other drug information.
RSVP to Jo Dunn, Marketing and Communications Officer by Wednesday 11 September
Code of Conduct
A reminder to all families that the Code of Conduct can be accessed via the College website. The Code is mandated by Catholic Education Western Australia and the application of the Code extends to all staff, students, parents, guardians, caregivers and volunteers.
The Code seeks to value the dignity of every person, foster positive relationships, ensuring confidentiality and accountability and supports professional boundaries. Events held during school hours AND outside of school hours that are associated with the College are also supported by the Code of Conduct. Any perceived breaches of the Code can be discussed with any member of the Senior Leadership Team. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of how we strive to partner positively with one another.