Newman News Term 2 Week 6: From the Vice Principal
Seminal skills in literacy, numeracy and general capabilities in information, communication technology and critical thinking support learning at school so students can navigate opportunities beyond Year 12. Our Vision for Learning, Shine through Discovery, exposes students to the essential skills of collaboration, creativity and critical thinking which are increasingly important in an age of disruption and change. Discovering how we work with others, co-learning and co-constructing ideas is important in working with others and developing good working relationships.
Reporting and Parent Teacher Interviews
My sincere thanks and gratitude to all teachers for their commitment to quality assessment and reporting of student learning. A-E reporting from Years 3 to 10 reflect the SCSA Judging Standards which benchmark student achievement at the end of the academic year. Semester One reports reflect student progress towards the end of year benchmark.
Student reports will be available to families on Friday 5 July via the SEQTA Engage portal. Please note that Year 10 reports will be uploaded on Friday 21 June.
SEQTA logins to access Reports
Please Click here to access details on the SEQTA Engage login process then use the below link to login.
Click on the below link to access the SEQTA login screen.
Teachers will be available on Tuesday 23 July from 10.00am – 7.00pm to discuss your child’s progress. A PTO invitation will be sent out to families nearer this time with instructions on how to book interview times.
Collaboration between families and school is important for student success and we look forward to coming together to set learning goals for the semester ahead.
Newman Parents
The College is very fortunate to secure Cybersafety expert Susan McLean to speak at the Newman Parents meeting on Wednesday 12 June at 7.00pm in the Marist Auditorium. I encourage all families to attend this seminar and learn about the positive benefits of technology as well as what we as parents need to be aware of. More information can be found here
Thank you to all parents that completed the DISA survey in the past week. This feedback is very important in shaping the 2020-2022 Strategic Plan and for measuring the success of our Vision for Learning. The data collected will be shared with parents at the Newman Parents Consultative Committee meeting next term.
Code of Conduct / Child Protection
A reminder to all families that the Code of Conduct can be accessed via the College website HERE. The Code is mandated by Catholic Education Western Australia and the application of the Code extends to all staff, students, parents, guardians, caregivers and volunteers.
The Code seeks to value the dignity of every person, foster positive relationships, ensuring confidentiality and accountability and supports professional boundaries. Events held during school hours AND outside of school hours that are associated with the College are also supported by the Code of Conduct. Any perceived breaches of the Code can be discussed with any member of the Senior Leadership Team. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of how we strive to partner positively with one another.
Child Protection and Safety
In addition to writing to the College community regarding our Code of Conduct, we feel it is also appropriate to communicate the processes, policies and frameworks the College applies to ensure our school is a safe place for all children and that our staff are informed, assessed and aware of their responsibilities to this commitment.
Working with Children Checks
The Working with Children Check (WWC Check) is a compulsory screening strategy in Western Australia and the Christmas and Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
The WWC Check aims to protect children by:
- deterring people from applying to work with children where they have a relevant charge or conviction on their criminal record that indicates they may harm a child;
- detecting new charges and convictions of those people who hold a current WWC Card and preventing them from continuing to engage in child-related work where their criminal record and behaviour indicates they may harm a child;
- protecting children by creating awareness that child safety is a whole of community responsibility.
Newman College has strict processes in place to ensure all staff (teaching, non-teaching, casual relief staff) contractors, clergy and visitors to the College, who are working with children are compliant and validated through the Working With Children database.
More information can be found HERE
Any questions relating to our Child Protection strategies, please contact me at the College.