Newman News Term 2 Week 2 : From the Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to Term 2.

We were delighted to have been able to resume our teaching and learning program on Monday following the lockdown of the Perth and Peel Regions and we look forward to the further relaxation of restrictions this weekend. I take this opportunity to thank all students for their respect of and adherence to restrictions this week. They have been very accepting of switching to online events in some instances.

Thank you also to families for supporting the College in the implementation of restrictions and having your children well prepared. It was unfortunate that some events had to be cancelled (hopefully postponed) and others switched to online formats. We are most fortunate to have the technical expertise at Newman College enabling us to pivot to online events at such short notice. Please click here to view the Newman Covid page

ANZAC Events

One of the highlights of our first two weeks back at school was the observance and acknowledgement of Anzac Day. I attended all three ceremonies across the College, all of which marked the significant sacrifice that others have given, and continue to give, so that we may live out our lives in freedom and opportunity. All students showed a high level of respect and attention for such a solemn occasion.

At the Principal’s assembly on Wednesday, we had the pleasure of hearing from Mr Robert Wilton, retired serviceman for both the British & Australian Military Forces. He spoke about the impact of his service on his life and, in particular, his ‘daily renewable contract’.

Following Robert, during the Principal’s Address, I reiterated how our ceremony encapsulated his message. We have so much to be grateful and thankful for and it is this grace that it is incumbent on us to make the most of what we have. The term ahead is full of opportunity. Learning is such a gift – how we use it determines our success.

I put to the students – “Who do you want be?”

At Newman College we have a vision that frames the canvas of what is possible: Shine Through Discovery – Let Your Light Shine. What is your light? How will it shine?

Take every opportunity this term to be the best person God intends you to be in whatever pursuit you endeavour. Let us be mindful of those around the world who are suffering at this moment. Let us keep them in our prayers. (Please click here to read the Principal’s Address in full.)

Further information about our three Anzac Day ceremonies (Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary) can be found in other parts of this Newsletter

Year 6 Camp

We were fortunate to have been able to go ahead with the Year 6 Camp this week, albeit with relevant restrictions put in place by Forest Edge Recreation Camp. I visited the Camp last evening and the enjoyment and high spirits of the students was evident. I thank the Year 6 teachers for ensuring this very important event continued, even with the COVID restrictions in place.

Newman Parents Consultative Committee (NPCC)

We warmly welcome all families to attend our first NPCC meeting of the year on Monday 10 May.

Featured on the meeting agenda will be an overview of our Annual School Improvement Plan for 2021 with a presentation from our Gifted and Talented Teacher K-10, Ms Lara Ognenis.

Lara will speak about our Strategic Intent for this year “To develop extension learning pathways that enhance the opportunities for gifted and talented students.” The strategies we have put in place to enable the College to achieve this intent are:

  • Implementation of a K-10 GATE program utilsing contemporary, evidence-based practices
  • Upskill teaching staff on strategies to extend gifted and talented students within mainstream classrooms.
  • Explore external and internal opportunities (competitions, programs, electives) that enable Newman students to be challenged academically at a state and national level.

I look forward to seeing you there.


We look forward to the term ahead.

John Finneran