Newman News Term 1 Week 8 – From the Vice Principal
Over the past couple of weeks, many of our students had the opportunity to participate in the IPSHA Swimming Carnival, ACC Swimming Carnival and other sporting events, teams and seasons. When students are involved, they are committed to rigorous training, they accept feedback from coaches and teachers and challenge themselves to personal excellence. We often see positive levels of engagement in all levels of sport; from class sport to community club sport and onto elite levels. Kids collaborating positively with one another, taking turns, celebrating wins and coming together in times of disappointment. I have no doubt that students achieve their best when they are physically well. I encourage all families and students to support physical wellbeing and to develop their gifts and talents by participating in the many sporting options available at the College.
Code of Conduct
A reminder to all families that the Code of Conduct can be accessed via the College website. The Code is mandated by Catholic Education Western Australia and the application of the code extends to all staff, students, parents, guardians, caregivers and volunteers.
The Code seeks to value the dignity of every person, foster positive relationships, ensuring confidentiality and accountability and supports professional boundaries. Events held during school hours AND outside of school hours that are associated with the College are also supported by the Code of Conduct. Any perceived breaches of the Code can be discussed with any member of the Senior Leadership Team. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of how we strive to partner positively with one another.
Professional Standards for the Safety and Protection of Children
In addition to writing to the College community about our Code of Conduct, we feel it is also appropriate to communicate the processes, policies and framework the College applies to ensure our school is a safe place for all children and that our staff are informed, assessed and cognisant of their responsibilities to this commitment.
If you would like any further clarity or information regarding professional standards at Newman College, please phone or email me so I can provide further support or 9204 9482
The College adheres to the following frameworks to inform our policy, practice and procedures. In the next newsletter, I will write to the staff training process and assessment.
Catholic Education Western Australia Child Safe Framework
Catholic Education Western Australia Child Safe Framework supports leaders to develop a child safe culture in our school. The Framework emphasises situational prevention to reduce risk, promotes professional behaviours and healthy, respectful relationships, and is aimed at meeting and exceeding regulatory obligations and standards. At Newman College, staff participate in regular and rigourous training, evaluation and assessment to ensure our knowledge and practice is of the highest standard. Click here to view the Catholic Education Western Australia Child Safe Framework.
Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum
As presented at all Parent Information Evenings this term, the College is committed to delivering the learning outcomes as described by the Keeping Safe framework.
Click here to access information for parents or download the relevant parent fact sheet or please arrange a time to discuss with your child’s teacher.
Download Years R-2 Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum Parent Fact Sheet
Download Years 3-5 Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum Parent Fact Sheet
Download Years 6-9 Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum Parent Fact Sheet
Download Years 10-12 Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum Parent Fact Sheet
Wellbeing and Counselling Team
The College is pleased to announce our newly formed Wellbeing and Counselling Team. The Wellbeing and Counselling team supports teachers, students and families from Kindy to Year 12. Mr Alan Fitzpatrick Deputy Principal Wellbeing Secondary, and Mitch Bristow Head of Primary lead the team which consists of:
- Amber Newsome, Psychologist
- Jessica Bouquet, Counsellor
- Siobhan Quirke, Counsellor and
- Caryl Gioia, Social Worker
Accessing support from this team is done via Leaders of Wellbeing. The Wellbeing program for Years 7-12 can be accessed via the College website. Click here
Program details and support materials from guest speakers will be shared by your child’s Leader of Wellbeing. Resources available to families and students will be shared and published to the College community via the notices and newsletter.