Newman News Term 1 Week 4: From the Deputy Principal Secondary
I would like to thank our staff, students, and families for your ongoing support, understanding and the resilience and flexibility you have displayed this term during these challenging times. Our students and staff have certainly modelled the Marist characteristics of presence and family spirit by walking with each other with love and care at all times. Please be reminded that if you are in need of any support, our Leaders of Wellbeing, College Psychologists and myself are here to help – don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Key Dates – 2022
Click here to view the College Calendar.
Year 8 & 9 Parent Information Presentations
Year 8 and 9 Parent Information Presentations have been available online this week. Each video contains important information for the year ahead. I encourage all Year 8 and 9 students to watch the video with their families. Links to the videos can be found below:
Year 7 Elevate Education
On Tuesday evening, Elevate Education ran an information seminar with our Year 7 parents. Elevate Education will be working with our Year 7 students in 2022 to deliver targeted study skills. On Tuesday evening Elevate focused on key skills for success such as time management and setting up a study timetable. Thank you to those families who were able to join us.
Elevate has given Newman College parents access to the student portal. For further tips and resources, please click here, select the student portal and enter the password rondo.
During Extended PCG on Wednesday, our Year 7 students had their first workshop with Elevate. This was a Study Skills Kick Start workshop aimed at covering the following skills:
- Dynamic Reading: How to read a text and pull out the key points, not just summarise every sentence.
- Note Taking: How to get those ideas the students have extracted from their readings into an organised set of notes that will facilitate effective
learning. - Conceptual Learning: Teaching students how to break the information into its relevant parts as opposed to simply rote learning the material.
- Independent Learning: What independent learning means and how to get it done.
Elevate will return to work with our Year 7s on Time Management in Term 2.
COVID Mitigation Strategy
I would like to thank students for their cooperation with always wearing their masks correctly indoors. At an online assembly with Marcellin students on Monday, I reminded the students of one of the definitions of a close contact; face-to-face 15 minutes or more with an infectious person, where a mask was not worn by the exposed person or the person with COVID-19. With this in mind and to minimise the chance of contracting COVID-19 or being considered a close contact, I have encouraged students wear their masks outdoors if they are sitting with friends, have finished eating and physical distancing is not possible.
From Monday, all students will be required to wear their masks while in line for the canteen.
Remote Learning:
Over the last two week, students have had to access learning remotely for various reasons. If your child is required to work from home in the near future, please click here.
To demonstrate the required literacy and numeracy standards for the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), students are required to achieve Band 8 or higher in their Year 9 NAPLAN. In instances where this has not been achieved, students are required to complete the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) in Year 10, 11 or 12.
There are two rounds each year where students can attempt (or reattempt) the OLNA, meaning there are up to six opportunities before the end of Year 12 to meet the required literacy and numeracy standards.
The OLNA is comprised of three assessments: Writing and Numeracy and Reading. Students may be required to sit one, two or all three, of the assessments depending on their individual NAPLAN results.
The assessment format is as follows:

The first OLNA round for Newman College will commence next week

Parents have received a letter directly from the College informing them if their child is specifically required to complete one, two or three OLNA. Students have also received a personalised timetable which outlines the information above.
There are a range of supports available for students as they prepare for the OLNA which include access to an online revision subscription as well as in-class assistance and increased availability of tutors at Homework Club.
If you require any further information about OLNA, please do not hesitate to contact the Director of Transformational Learning PK-12, Jenny Miraudo.
Year 7 Information Presentation and Subject Expo:
The Year 7 Parent Information Presentation and Subject Expo will be made available online to families on Thursday 3 March. The Subject Expo aims to give families information on the various subjects studied in Year 7.
A link will be sent to families on the evening of each presentation and it is encouraged that students watch the presentations with their parents.
School Based Immunisation Program 2022 – Year 7 and Year 10
The Department of Health is offering parents of students in Year 7 the opportunity to have your child vaccinated against pertussis (whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, and human papillomavirus (HPV), and Year 10 students the opportunity to have your child vaccinated against Meningococcal ACWY.
Every student in Year 7 and Year 10 will be given an envelope containing information about the vaccination program. The consent/non consent form and envelope must be returned to the College no later than Friday 4 March.
- Year 7 (1st vaccination) – Monday 28 March
- Year 7 (2nd vaccination) – Monday 17 October
- Year 10 (single visit) – Monday 13 June
Careers and Pathways Information
Contact details:
- Justin Farley
Leader of Pathways and Partnerships
Tel. 9204 9457
Subject changes
If you would like to change one (or more) of your subjects, please be aware of the following guidelines:
- You can change out of a Unit 1 and into a different Unit 1 until the end of Term 1. However, the later you make the change the more work there is to catch up in your new subject.
- After the Semester 1 exams you can change into a new subject and just study Unit 2 of the new subject. You will need permission from the relevant Leader of Learning to do this.
- After 27 June no further subject changes can be made.
Please see Mr Farley or Ms Beekink with subject change requests.
Defence Force work experience program
Each year, the Australian Defence Force runs various work experience programs in the Army, Navy, or Air Force.
Considering a career in the Air Force? Air Force Aviation Program for Women, Bullsbrook, WA. Applications close Sunday 13 March 2022.
Wondering what a career in the Air Force or Navy would be like?
- Air Force familiarisation, RAAF Base Pearce, WA. Applications close Sunday 27 March 2022.
- Navy Familiarisation, HMAS Stirling, Garden Island WA. Applications close Sunday 29 May 2022.
For further details, please visit
Local job opportunities
These local businesses have contacted Newman as they have some connection with our College community, and they would like to offer an employment/apprenticeship opportunity to a student from Newman. Please contact the company directly if interested.
- Plumbing: Paul Kelsall from Northstar Services: 0411 196 750
- Air conditioning: Brent Davies from Supplied Air Scarborough: 0448 209 070
Subject changes
If you would like to change one (or more) of your subjects, please be aware of the following guidelines:
- You can change subjects until 30 March 2022.
- After 30 March, the timetable is locked and no further changes can be made.
- The one exception to the above is that ATAR students can drop one of their ATAR subjects and take up a study line until 20 July 2022. But you must have permission from your Leader of Wellbeing and you will need a very good reason.
Please see Mr Farley or Mr Puljiz with subject change requests.
Love animals? Are you interested in a career in Zoo Keeping?
Certificate III in Wildlife and Exhibited Animal Care (Perth) is a competitive 12-month course at Perth Zoo delivered by the Taronga Training Institute.
Applications open 15 August each year for commencement the following February.
Minimum 18 years of age at the commencement of the course. For more information visit
Thinking of studying Medicine or Dentistry next year?
If you are planning to study Medicine (at Curtin, or Assured Pathway at UWA) or Dentistry next year, you must sit the Undergraduate Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) this year. Please see below for some important dates:
- 1 March: bookings open
- 17 May: deadline for booking
- 1 July: testing begins
- 12 August: last testing date
You can check for things like practice tests and tips to succeed. Also you are welcome to book a time with Mr Farley if you’d like to discuss entry to Medicine / Dentistry.
Early University Scholarships
Year 12 students may be interested in applying for the Christian Leaders Scholarship, which provides financial assistance throughout a University degree. For further details, please visit:
Local job opportunities
These local businesses have contacted Newman as they have some connection with our College community, and they would like to offer an employment/apprenticeship opportunity to a student from Newman. Please contact the company directly if interested.
- Plumbing: Paul Kelsall from Northstar Services: 0411 196 750
- Air conditioning: Brent Davies from Supplied Air Scarborough: 0448 209 070
Ever dreamt about speaking on stage at TEDx? Now’s your chance!
TEDx KingsPark, in partnership with Curtin University, is looking for people aged 14-21 years with a great idea for creating change! All you need to do is upload a 30-second video of yourself explaining your idea, and you’ll be in the running. The top six finalists will get to share their idea at TEDxYouth@KingsPark on Saturday 30 April 2022 – Australia’s largest TEDx event for young people. The winning idea will be turned into a 4-5 minute TEDx talk and published on the official TEDx YouTube channel! Interested? Submit your 30-second video now:
Open Day at University
University Open Days are coming up in the months of March and April. Open Days are a great way to find out what the campus offers, see the facilities, and meet lecturers and fellow students. Check the Upcoming Career Events calendar for more information or visit Justin Farley at the Pathways office.
- Open Day
Murdoch University
19 March - Open Day
27 March - Open Day
3 April - Open Day
ECU Joondalup
10 April - Year 11 and 12 Exploration Day
Murdoch University
12-13 April - Open Day
ECU Mt Lawley
(including WAAPA)
1 May - Find Your Pathway
Murdoch University
24 May - Year 12 Information Session
ECU Joondalup
25 May - Law and Criminology
Murdoch University
7 June - Creative Arts and Communication
Murdoch University
14 June - Health Sciences
Murdoch University
21 June - Engineering and IT
Murdoch University
28 June - Environment and Agriculture
Murdoch University
5 July - Business and Commerce
Murdoch University
12 July - Education
Murdoch University
19 July - Social Sciences
Murdoch University
26 July - Science
Murdoch University
2 August - Arts
Murdoch University
9 August - Parent and Supporters Evening
Murdoch University
6 September