Ministry Update – Term 1 Week 4

Season of Lent

If you are a little like me, you are probably wondering where these first five weeks of term have gone. It only seems like yesterday students were coming in for their first lessons, and yet we’ve already got some students who are preparing for their second assessment. Life moves fast. We’re constantly juggling school, friendships, social media, sports, work, and everything in between. And when you’re busy, it’s easy to get caught up in it all and forget to take a step back…to reflect or think about the things that are happening.

That’s why the season of Lent is so important – it’s this great invitation to pause, to slow down, and to refocus on what truly matters.

Lent is a time of spiritual renewal – in other words it’s a chance to check in with ourselves and with God. It’s a time to ask:

  • Am I living in a way that reflects who I really want to be?
  • Am I making time for the things that truly matter?
  • Am I being the best person God has called me to be?

The reality is, we all get distracted – students, teachers, parents, families…everyone. We also all make mistakes. We say things we shouldn’t, act selfishly, and sometimes put ourselves first at the expense of others.

But God doesn’t hold onto our failures – he invites us to recognise them, learn from them, and start again. Lent gives us a way to do this through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

Prayer is really interesting. When we hear of prayer, many of us might imagine someone sitting down to read the bible or perhaps going to the chapel where we make the sign of the cross. But prayer is just about connecting with God. For you, that might simply mean a small reflection, where you consider how you were kind that day. Or it could be a commitment you make each morning, to go out of your way to really make someone’s day. Or it could be the decision to reflect on the Gospel reading each day. It’s very simply about giving thought to the person you choose to be each day. You might ask yourself, perhaps, how God working in your life?

When we think of fasting, we might think back to our primary school days – the bold decision to give up chocolate for 40 days, only to gorge ourselves on Easter morning. But fasting isn’t just about giving up chocolate or social media, or whatever else you might choose. It’s about making space for what really matters. It’s about trying to reduce the distractions, or negativity, or things that pull us away from being our best selves in our lives, so we have time perhaps for prayer, or very simply, to connect with and be present to those around us.

And finally, Almsgiving. Very simply, almsgiving is about looking beyond ourselves. It’s about generosity – not just with our money, but with our time, our kindness, and our willingness to help others, especially to those who are vulnerable or in need.

In the Gospel for Ash Wednesday, Jesus talks to his followers about doing each of these things. But there is an important caveat he places on them too – that when we do these things, we should do it for the right reasons. Not to show off, or to virtue signal, or to appear better than others…. but because it is the right thing to do…it is what God wants us to do.

If we make a commitment to these practices, however small or large, in our own lives or household, Lent becomes more than just something that happens to finish the term – it becomes a time of real change. A time where we let go of what’s not important, strengthen our faith, and come out on the other side renewed – closer to God, more aware of His love, and more like the people we are called to be.

So, the invitation to the community is ours – make the most of this time. Let’s step back from the busyness, refocus our hearts, and use this season of Lent to grow in faith, love, and purpose.

Family Mass

It was great to celebrate our Family Mass last week, in what must be said, was some very favourable February weather (though I wouldn’t have minded a little less wind blowing everything off the altar!).

I would love for any families who are able, to provide us with some feedback on the Family Mass, so we can be better prepared to meet the needs of our community in our planning for next year too. You can click on the link to leave your feedback here .

From the Vice Prinicpal – Term 1 Week 4

‘Your Move’: Promoting Active Travel at Newman College

We are excited to re-engage with the ‘Your Move’ program to encourage active and sustainable travel for our PK-12 community. This award-winning initiative supports students and families in healthy activity, including walking, wheeling, and riding to school, while helping to reduce traffic congestion and promote sustainability.

Through student-led activities, travel surveys, and curriculum-aligned lessons, we will track progress and celebrate achievements. Stay tuned for opportunities to get involved and help make active travel a part of everyday school life! More information on the initiative can be found at

Traffic Warden Absence & Road Safety Reminder

We have been advised that our Traffic Warden, who supervises the pedestrian crossing on Tuscany Way, will be absent from Tuesday 4 March to Friday 11 April 2025 (inclusive). The Children’s Crossing Unit (WA Police) has confirmed that a replacement will not be available during this time.

We kindly ask all families to exercise extra caution when using the crossing during this period. While our duty teachers will be present to support students, they are not authorised to perform the role of a Traffic Warden.

Traffic Safety Concern

Additionally, we have been informed that some motorists are stopping on the pedestrian crossing instead of at the designated stop line, particularly during peak drop-off and pick-up times. This congestion is making it difficult for the Traffic Warden to assist students safely.

To help resolve this issue, the Children’s Crossing Unit has asked Newman College to remind families to:

  • Be mindful of the crossing location and ensure vehicles do not obstruct it.
  • Stop only at the designated stop line to allow safe passage for pedestrians.
  • Always follow the Traffic Warden’s instructions.

We appreciate your support in ensuring the safety of all students and families in our community.

The Season of Lent

Next week we celebrate Shrove Tuesday; a day for us to pause, and consider how we are living our lives as we prepare for the season of Lent. Traditionally, people would eat pancakes on this day as a way of using up their rich ingredients prior to Lent. Our students will certainly have the opportunity to do the same, with pancakes on sale in Marcellin for $2, and also in the primary school for a gold coin donation, with all proceeds going to Caritas.

The following day, Ash Wednesday, will see liturgies taking place across the College for all of our students. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a season of repentance and renewal, where the ashes remind us of our need to turn back to God and live as Jesus taught. It is certainly a special and significant time in our College calendar, and I encourage all students, over the course of next week, to consider the small but meaningful changes they can make in their own lives to make Jesus known and loved in our community. 

Community Mass

Join us every Thursday at 8.00am in the Champagnat Chapel for our Community Mass. Open to all members of our community, this student-led celebration is a wonderful opportunity to gather in faith, with a different Guild hosting each week. It is also a great chance to connect with others as we strengthen family spirit. We look forward to seeing you there!

Communicable Disease Policy and Procedures

Parents/guardians are required to inform the College of any communicable illness or disease that their child is diagnosed with and not allow them to attend school while infectious. Further information can be found in the Communicable Disease (Student) Policy and Procedures.

Teaching & Learning – Term 1 Week 4

OLNA Support Workshops

Our Targeted OLNA Support Workshops, offered at Newman College’s Homework Club, provide students with the focused preparation they need to succeed in OLNA. These workshops, offered in the lead up to the assessment, are specifically designed to expose students to a variety of practice questions across reading, writing, and numeracy, allowing them to familiarise themselves with the types of challenges they will face during the actual assessments.

In addition to practicing questions, students will also learn effective test strategies and time management skills crucial for performing well under exam conditions. The workshops offer a supportive environment where students can build confidence, refine their skills, and receive guidance from experienced teachers who understand the demands of OLNA. Whether students need to strengthen their understanding of specific concepts or develop strategies to maximise their performance, these workshops provide the tools and support necessary to help every student achieve their best possible outcome.

From week 5, OLNA Support workshops will be held:

  • Wednesdays – 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm – Reading JHN 2.4, Writing JHN 2.9
  • Thursdays – 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Numeracy JHN 2.4

These workshops will have a focus on Year 11 and 12s who will be sitting OLNA in May. Further OLNA workshops will be offered later in the year in preparation for the September testing period including Year 10.

In addition to OLNA Support Workshops, the College has purchased subscriptions for all students requiring to sit their OLNA assessment in 2025.

Login: Student Newman College email

Password: Student first name, eg Sarah

If you encounter any issues accessing your account, please contact Mrs Nicky Winterbourn, Leader of Learning Support (Acting), on

Marcellin Homework Club

Just a friendly reminder to parents collecting their child from the Marcellin Homework Club to please check in with a staff member at the library desk and they will advise your child of your arrival. Please refrain from accessing the JHN Learning Hub as this can pose a duty of care issue for our students.


NAPLAN will be held for Years 3, 5, 7, and 9 from 12 –24 March. Further information will be shared to families in the coming days.

From the Principal – Term 1 Week 4

Go Primary! 

This week has seen the first Primary assembly for the year and it was a delight to present merit certificates to our Marian students and watch Year 1 Red perform about their way of ‘Shining’ and the many ways we are smart. Primary continued their big week with the successful running of the Year 6 Camp at Waroona and the Lavalla Swimming Carnival. The week’s events saw our students shining through class work, adventure and teamwork, and sporting endeavour. Tonight, we celebrate the Primary Family Picnic at Lavalla and the response from families has been great, even with a long-weekend backing onto the event. Thank you for your strong support of Family Spirit.  

Primary Build  

The Primary build continues to go well and we will ensure we provide the community with good notice as to when, in Term 2, the move from Marian to Lavalla Campus will occur.  

Student Voice and Agency – Your children leading the way 

There’s so much importance in nurturing the voice and involvement of students in their own education and formation. In our new Strategic School Improvement Plan 2025-2027, initiatives of student-adult partnership feature heavily.

Student voice and agency happens in the classroom through empowering young people to give feedback to teachers, feedback to others and feedback about their own learning. Their agency is promoted in providing the opportunity to be responsible and own what is happening in their lives. It is the nurture of partnership and was described within the Australian government-endorsed Through Growth to Achievement: Report of the Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools 2018.  Projects underway in 2025 across the whole College that nurture voice and agency include:

  • The building of Guild spirit and identity;
  • Involvement in planning transition programs to secondary school, feeding back the successes and challenges of the program, and
  • Co-designing a student recognition system (colours and honours in Christian Service Learning, Academic, Cultural and Sport participation).

In Term 2, we will highlight ‘My Learning,’ which is our approach to further voice and agency in each student’s learning journey. One project just about to finish began with the Year 6 group from 2024 who planned and presented to the school a ‘friendship bench’. This will shortly be installed on the  Lavalla Campus. We are blessed with caring, considerate and community concerned children and it is heartening to see the work they are leading at Newman College.  

Active Transport – My Way 

Another exciting initiative we will be developing in the next few months, that has the leadership of students and involvement of parents, is our plan to encourage walking and riding to school. In today’s edition, Mr Michael Chiera, Vice Principal, writes about our plan in partnership with the City of Stirling to encourage alternative ways of coming to school. This always needs to be considered in context of the individual’s age and journey from home to school and back, but it is important in so many ways to encourage active transport.  

I wish all Newman College families a wonderful long weekend. It is hard to believe that we are at a mid-way point of Term 1.  

Andrew Watson


Finance & Building Update

Building Update

Our Lavalla building program is progressing well, with the facilities due for completion towards the end of term two. The new hardcourts are currently being surfaced and we should have access to them by the end of this month. Planning is underway for the relocation of our Marian campus students and staff. It will be an exciting chapter in the history of the College, to have all staff and students on the one campus.

Finance & Accounts

All families will have received their school fee account now and I thank you for completing your payment plans via our new web portal, Parent Lounge. To access the portal, click here.

As is always the case, any families experiencing financial hardship are encouraged to contact the finance team for assistance.

Public Transport

In response to the feedback we have received from our parents, we are continuing to lobby Transperth for a review of bus services to and from the College. In particular, it has been identified that services from both Karrinyup bus station & Glendalough train station would assist you greatly. As this process continues, we will keep you updated on progress.

Jody Cabalzar