From the Principal – Term 1 Week 4

Go Primary! 

This week has seen the first Primary assembly for the year and it was a delight to present merit certificates to our Marian students and watch Year 1 Red perform about their way of ‘Shining’ and the many ways we are smart. Primary continued their big week with the successful running of the Year 6 Camp at Waroona and the Lavalla Swimming Carnival. The week’s events saw our students shining through class work, adventure and teamwork, and sporting endeavour. Tonight, we celebrate the Primary Family Picnic at Lavalla and the response from families has been great, even with a long-weekend backing onto the event. Thank you for your strong support of Family Spirit.  

Primary Build  

The Primary build continues to go well and we will ensure we provide the community with good notice as to when, in Term 2, the move from Marian to Lavalla Campus will occur.  

Student Voice and Agency – Your children leading the way 

There’s so much importance in nurturing the voice and involvement of students in their own education and formation. In our new Strategic School Improvement Plan 2025-2027, initiatives of student-adult partnership feature heavily.

Student voice and agency happens in the classroom through empowering young people to give feedback to teachers, feedback to others and feedback about their own learning. Their agency is promoted in providing the opportunity to be responsible and own what is happening in their lives. It is the nurture of partnership and was described within the Australian government-endorsed Through Growth to Achievement: Report of the Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools 2018.  Projects underway in 2025 across the whole College that nurture voice and agency include:

  • The building of Guild spirit and identity;
  • Involvement in planning transition programs to secondary school, feeding back the successes and challenges of the program, and
  • Co-designing a student recognition system (colours and honours in Christian Service Learning, Academic, Cultural and Sport participation).

In Term 2, we will highlight ‘My Learning,’ which is our approach to further voice and agency in each student’s learning journey. One project just about to finish began with the Year 6 group from 2024 who planned and presented to the school a ‘friendship bench’. This will shortly be installed on the  Lavalla Campus. We are blessed with caring, considerate and community concerned children and it is heartening to see the work they are leading at Newman College.  

Active Transport – My Way 

Another exciting initiative we will be developing in the next few months, that has the leadership of students and involvement of parents, is our plan to encourage walking and riding to school. In today’s edition, Mr Michael Chiera, Vice Principal, writes about our plan in partnership with the City of Stirling to encourage alternative ways of coming to school. This always needs to be considered in context of the individual’s age and journey from home to school and back, but it is important in so many ways to encourage active transport.  

I wish all Newman College families a wonderful long weekend. It is hard to believe that we are at a mid-way point of Term 1.  

Andrew Watson


Finance & Building Update

Building Update

Our Lavalla building program is progressing well, with the facilities due for completion towards the end of term two. The new hardcourts are currently being surfaced and we should have access to them by the end of this month. Planning is underway for the relocation of our Marian campus students and staff. It will be an exciting chapter in the history of the College, to have all staff and students on the one campus.

Finance & Accounts

All families will have received their school fee account now and I thank you for completing your payment plans via our new web portal, Parent Lounge. To access the portal, click here.

As is always the case, any families experiencing financial hardship are encouraged to contact the finance team for assistance.

Public Transport

In response to the feedback we have received from our parents, we are continuing to lobby Transperth for a review of bus services to and from the College. In particular, it has been identified that services from both Karrinyup bus station & Glendalough train station would assist you greatly. As this process continues, we will keep you updated on progress.

Jody Cabalzar


Teaching & Learning – Term 1, Week 2

Secondary Parent Information Evening

A huge thank you to students and families who attended the Marcellin Parent Information Evening on Monday 3 February. There was a fantastic turnout and it was great to see so many families engaging with our teachers. For those who were unable to attend the event, you can find a link to the presentations here. As we continue to refine the evening, we would greatly appreciate it if you could provide feedback via this form.

Establishing Good Habits and Student Diary Secondary

Secondary students and families are reminded that students must list their homework in a central location each period to ensure their study time is effective and targeted. Year 7s have been provided with a hard copy of the Secondary Student Diary. A digital copy of the Secondary Student Diary has been posted on cohort Teams for students to download and use if they wish. Setting up good habits early in the year sets students up for a successful year and supports working smarter and not harder.

Physical Curriculum Variation and Swim Shorts

At Newman College, we are committed to providing a well-rounded education that supports students’ academic, physical, emotional, and social development. Our Physical Education program plays a vital role in this holistic formation, aligning with our mission to nurture the whole person in the context of faith, learning, and community.

Where students are unable to participate in Physical Education (PE) classes due to injury, illness, or medical conditions, a curriculum variation must be granted by the Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning and the Leader of Learning. All curriculum variation applications are to be supported by specialist medical documentation. Students who have been granted a curriculum variation must remain in the PE class for the duration of the lesson and be under the direction of their PE teacher. This ensures the College’s duty of care and ensures students are present for important lesson content and do not fall behind.  Students are not permitted to use this time to study in the library or complete homework. In some cases, students may be asked to complete a theory-based task related to the lesson. This approach ensures continued learning while supporting our core values of excellence, integrity, and respect.

To ensure all students feel comfortable in the pool, the uniform policy has been updated to allow all students in Years 7-12 to purchase school board shorts for swimming lessons.

We appreciate your cooperation in supporting Physical Education at Newman College.

Sarah Pagett


From the Vice Principal – Term 1 Week 2


The 2025 school year is off to a fantastic start, filled with engaging activities and events that have brought our community together.

A special welcome to our new families – I hope you are settling in well and embracing the opportunities to connect with others. We look forward to sharing this journey with you.

Wishing all parents and students a year of growth, success, and meaningful experiences!

Family Mass

Next Tuesday 18 February, our Newman College community comes together for the Family Mass, an event that holds great significance in reinforcing our identity as a Catholic school in the Marist educational tradition. The occasion is made even more special as we will celebrate the commissioning of our Year 6 and Year 12 Student Leaders.

I remind parents and students that participation in all aspects of College life, including events like the Community Mass, are an integral part of our shared commitment upon enrolling in the College. As a Catholic school, there are few occasions more significant than coming together for a Community Mass, where we not only share in the Eucharist but also celebrate our unique charism as one united community.

We sincerely thank all our families, students, and staff for joining us for this special event.

College Family Mass Parent Letter

A Reminder of Our Shared Values

I would like to remind parents that at Newman College, we deeply value our collaboration with families and caregivers in nurturing a supportive and respectful community. Our relationships are built on courtesy, mutual trust, and open communication.

To support this, we ask all parents and caregivers to familiarise themselves with the Code of Conduct for Parents and Adults. Understanding these expectations ensures we can continue working together with respect and appreciation for one another.

Newman Norms

At Newman College, we are committed to creating a learning environment where every student feels safe, supported, and empowered to succeed. To achieve this, we have established the Newman Norms – a set of non-negotiable expectations for student behaviour and conduct in the classroom. These norms provide clarity and consistency, ensuring that both students and teachers understand the standards that guide our interactions and learning.

The Newman Norms are not just rules; they are the foundation of a respectful and productive classroom culture. By upholding these expectations, students take responsibility for their learning, demonstrate respect for their peers and teachers, and contribute to an environment where everyone can thrive.

By embracing the Newman Norms, we create a community where learning is the priority, respect is non-negotiable, and every student can reach their full potential.

The Newman Norms are displayed in every classroom and can also be accessed on the College Website.

Transperth Updates

412 and 719 – Route Disruptions

Due to ongoing road closures, Stop 19068 (Huntriss Rd before Williamstown Rd, Woodlands) is currently out of service. This disruption will remain in effect until further notice. Please refer to the Transperth Service Update for details on the nearest alternative stops.

Bus Arrival Times

We acknowledge concerns regarding the morning arrival times of School Special Buses. The College has reported these issues to Transperth and assures parents that all services should arrive by 8:35am.

If your child experiences ongoing issues with bus arrival times, we encourage you to notify both the College and Transperth. Contact details for Transperth can be found here.

We thank you for your continued support.

Michael Chiera


From the Principal – Term 1 Week 2

A big thank you to our Newman College families for your support in getting the academic year underway. The term has begun well and it has been heartening to see the joy and engagement that our young people have brought to the new year. As parents and guardians, your presence at the Parent Sundowner, the Information Evenings and the High Achievers Assembly is such a strong show of our Marist characteristics, Family Spirit and Presence.  Again, a warm welcome to all our families and a special welcome to the families who have joined us this year.

2025 is shaping to be a pivotal year in our community. It is a year of celebration with Brother Noel Hickey’s recent 100th birthday celebration, the 60th year anniversary of our Marist presence at Churchlands, 20 years as a composite school of primary and secondary and the completion of our Primary build project. The year also holds significance as a Jubilee Year in the Catholic Church, signified through many making a pilgrimage to Rome. Our 2025 Marist theme picks up the notion of journeys through ‘Pilgrims of Hope – Look Beyond’.

We are also energised and focused in our Strategic School Improvement Plan 2025-2027, with our focus on deepening our identity in the Marist tradition, forging ahead with new approaches to student involvement and voice in our school, and learning gains and growth for our students.

The Equip Guide Thrive program in secondary has launched in the past two weeks. Designed with student, parent and staff input, EGT further responds to student needs in learning preparation, organisation, personal formation, wellbeing and faith. In Year 7, this program has been rolled out with extra planned time for transition into secondary schooling. Year 9 students have experienced EGT with the launch of The Rite Journey. Other year groups are experiencing their new EGT programs to assist their confidence, belonging, preparation for future learning and life beyond school. We now have an age and stage approach from PK-12 with the focus on URStrong, Zones of Regulation and the EGT programs.

Yesterday, we welcomed back the Class of 2024 to the High Achievers Assembly. We celebrated their achievements alongside the academic excellence of our current students. A beautiful moment we have built into our tradition of welcome was the guard of honour given by the Year 12 students to our Year 7 group.

I look forward to sharing with you further developments from our school improvement priorities and wish everyone a great 2025.

Andrew Watson