Newman News Term 4 Week 2: From the Principal
Dear Newman Families
Welcome back to Term 4! The first two weeks of the new term have seen all classes settle back into the excellent routine of learning and teaching. It has been so energising visiting classes across Marian, Lavalla and Marcellin campuses and watching our students dive deeply into their learning.
We welcome two new staff members to the College this term and hope they settle well with our community.
Feast Celebrations
Today, we celebrated the feast day of St John Henry Newman with a whole College Mass. Our College is named in honour of Newman, the most important English-speaking Catholic theologian of the 19th Century. Spending the first half of his life as an Anglican, he was accepted into the Roman Catholic Church. In the second part of his life, he rose to Cardinal of the Church. Interestingly, Newman’s theological writings were to shape the documents later to be accepted in Vatican II, some 70 years after his death. John Henry Newman was canonised as a Saint in October 2019.
This week, we also remembered St Mary MacKillop, whose canonisation anniversary falls on October 16, St Mary of the Cross. In Australian education and Christian faith, St Mary stands as a giant who, through the work of her sisters of St Joseph, brought education and Catholic education to much of Australia’s rural and regional areas in the late 19th and through the 20th centuries. Our Mackillop Guild is named in honour of Mary MacKillop.
As you would know, when attending our parent nights and significant celebrations, we pray to St Mary of the Cross and St John Henry Newman, alongside Mary our Good Mother and St Marcellin Champagnat in our Litany of Prayer.
PARADIGM: Arts & Technology Exhibition and Iconic Dance
This week, the talent and creativity across the College in the Arts and Technology areas have inspired and entertained us. The display of works from Year 1 to Year 12 and the musical presentations have been a delight to experience. Many families have taken the opportunity to view the displays.
Tomorrow evening, we are eagerly looking forward to the Iconic Dance program. Congratulations to all students who have displayed their work or performed pieces this week. Thank you to the Arts team for nurturing a high standard of work and guiding the talents of our young people.
Celebration of Staff
Last Monday, Dr McCrory and I had the pleasure of accompanying some staff to the Catholic Education Staff Breakfast. Mrs Diana Potter, Uniform Shop Co-ordinator, Mr Drew Elliott, Primary Staff and Mrs Robyn Faulkner, Marcellin Librarian, were all recognised for 30 years’ service to Catholic education. Mr Bern Willett, Secondary Staff, was celebrated for his 40 years of service to Catholic education. Congratulations to you all!
Next Friday is World Teachers’ Day, and I know you will join me in celebrating all our staff who are educators and role models for our students.
Best wishes for the weeks ahead.
“To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.”
St John Henry Newman