Term 3 Week 4: From The Deputy Principal | Mission and Catholic Identity
Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop – A Saint for all Australians
‘Do what you can with the means at your disposal and leave the rest calmly to God’ (St Mary MacKillop, 1871).
On Wednesday 8 August, the Feast Day of Saint Mary MacKillop was celebrated across the world. At Newman College, our community gave thanks for the life and practical witness to faith of Australia’s first saint with Masses celebrated on Wednesday and Thursday by both our Year 9 students, and the MacKillop Guild at the Marcellin Campus, while our Lavalla Campus was led in a moving prayer assembly by Mrs Lara Gray and the students of Year 3 Green.
As a College community, may we continue to take the practical inspiration from the life of St Mary MacKillop as we seek to live authentically as a Christian community.
What kept you going ‘soft eyes’ St Mary of the Cross?
Love of God and love of people,
Battler, mug, the poor, the rich and the stray.
‘Soft eyes’ Saint Mary of the Cross, Mackillop
Keep us calm and safe.
Mary keep your gaze upon us,
here down under
Mellow our hardened nation’s and church’s hearts
Through Christ Jesus,
In the sunlight of the Spirit
Bless all of us who live under the Southern Cross
K-12 Assumption Day Celebrations – Week 5
Wednesday 15 August 2018 is the Feast Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the feast day chosen for the Marist Brothers at the time of their foundation by Saint Marcellin Champagnat, the founder of the Marist Brothers and of Marist Education. To mark this significant Feast and Day of Holy Obligation in the life of the Church as well as the international Marist Institute, our PK-12 College Community will be celebrating the Feast of the Assumption across the College in Week 5.
On Wednesday 15 August, the Marcellin Campus will gather for Mass in the Gym during Period 1. On Friday 17 August, Marian and Lavalla Campuses will both gather at Lavalla Campus for a combined Mass, Buddy Day activities and the annual Lapathon to raise money for the work of Australian Marist Solidarity.
Families can learn more about the work of Australian Marist Solidarity online.
For further information, please refer to the K-12 letter that was sent home by the College in Week 3
Past Events
Building Bridges Project
On Wednesday 8 August, Newman College hosted the Building Bridges project. The Building Bridges Project aims to assist secondary students of different religious backgrounds and cultures, from Years 10 and 11 to build bridges of trust and friendship. Click here to read more and see more photos from the day.
Marist Young Adult Retreat
The Marist Young Adult Retreat took place in Sydney from Thursday 26 – Sunday 29 July 2018. Two of Perth’s Marist Youth Ministry (MYM) team, Emily Redwood and Michael Heelan, attended the conference with the support of Newman College. Michael writes that; “the weekend was very fruitful for our own personal growth, and has offered us a unique insight into the practical application of Christian and Marist values in our day-to-day endeavours.” Click here to read more.
Governors Prayer Breakfast
The Governor’s Prayer Breakfast is an annual event where state leaders join with the community in fellowship and prayer for Western Australia, displaying unity across the denominations. The breakfast is regularly attended by the Chief Justice, the Governor, the Premier, senior State Members of Parliament, the Police Commissioner or his nominee, High School Students and prominent business and community leaders. This year, Year 10 students Mitchell Harris and Celeste Pereira represented the College with Mr Lynch (Deputy Catholic Identity and Mission) and Miss Cole (Leader of Youth Ministry and Advocacy).
24:7 Floreat Youth Group
The Floreat Youth Group meets on Sunday nights between 6pm to 8pm in the Floreat Parish Centre. Almost 30 young people in Years 6 to 12 gathered last Sunday 3 August for a night of fun games and interactive activities that help young people learn about the Christian Faith. Everyone is welcome to join the Youth Group, so if you are interested in participating please call the 24:7 Floreat Youth Ministers, Angela 0455 960 174 or Sebastian 0403 230 395 for more information.
Remar Blue Solidarity Camp
Preparations have begun for the Remar Blue Solidarity Camp which will take place from Wednesday 22 – Tuesday 28 August, in Mullewa, Western Australia. Students began their preparation learning about the meaning of ‘solidarity’ and the importance of being present to people. The second session centred around cultural understanding, where students learnt about the Yamaji people and Wadjarri people; as well as Mullewa and surrounding areas. The next two preparation sessions will focus on the practical aspects of the camp. The Blue rowers and teachers are excited about the trip to Mullewa and are looking forward to walking in solidarity with the community.
Weekly Thursday Morning Community Mass (Champagnat Chapel – 8.10am – 8.35am)
All parents, guardians and families across our PK-12 College are invited to attend the weekly Thursday morning Mass celebrated by Fr Joseph Tran and Fr Mark Baumgarten. Our weekly Newman College Community Mass is an important way that we as a Catholic community seek to nourish and live-out our faith in community with one another.